The tourism sector calls for the reopening of airports in Colombia.
Sectors that mainly benefit from aviation and tourism, such as travel agencies, airlines, pilots and hotels, warn that it is necessary to reopen airports in order to survive.
Although the Colombian government reported that international flights will be able to operate from September 1, many airlines are waiting for the reactivation of domestic flights.
The Colombian Avianca pilot, Fabio Tessarolo, assured that, although there are tentative dates, they cause a little fear in the sector:
“Companies are ready with biosafety protocols, at the airport there are all kinds of measures such as: temperature measurement, masks, gels, planes are constantly disinfected and the plane’s filters allow for recirculated air.”
Tessarolo warns that if it is not clear when the reopening of airports and national and international flights will be, it will be very difficult for companies to recover from this crisis. He also explains that, as well as humanitarian flights, regular flights could be made:
“Hundreds of humanitarian flights and cargo flights have already been made without any contagion and it is because companies are adequately carrying out biosafety protocols.”
In this sense, the Minister of Transport Angela María Orozco, informed that, as for domestic flights, the reactivation date is not yet known, since they will depend on the measures adopted by the president of each region. And although for now this service is suspended, the application of pilot tests is being studied in which some routes that have the virus under control will be selected and the behavior with respect to Covid-19 will be analyzed.
National operations are expected to begin between July 1 and July 15. However, the last word is held by the National Government through the Ministry of Health and the municipalities as the pandemic progresses.